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We Exist Because of You...

Ideaworks is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, public benefit organization. We are an all-volunteer, member-supported, community-based organization that only exists because of your generosity. Whether you are an individual, group, organization, or corporation that believes in what we strive to create in the Central Valley, please consider donating to support our mission.

Your gifts to our general fund help us with our regular expenses, but you may also make a gift to support a specific Shop area or project that is important to you. 

If you are making a gift to honor someone else, please provide that information in the description box below.

To learn more about Ideaworks’ vision and mission for the Central Valley, click here.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Amount ($USD)
Payment Description
Would you like your donation to go to a specific project or shop area? Let us know here.
 Payment frequency


Fresno Ideaworks

1730 H Street

Fresno, CA, 93721



Fresno Ideaworks is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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